Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe

After being away for several weeks, I was keen to get back into the kitchen. Its surprising how much I missed being behind the cooker!! To really give myself a nice cooking session I decided to cook a nice 3 course dinner. The evenings have started getting a little colder, I therefore thought a nice […]
Paprika Parsnip Soup

A friend of ours gave us some home grown parsnips. I wanted to make something nice with them and not just a roasted side dish. As the nights are getting colder, I thought a nice Parsnip Soup would be perfect. To give it that little extra taste I was going to use a little curry […]
Pea Soup With Ham & Poached Egg

Pea Soup With Ham & Poached Egg We had friends round for a meal so I was in my element and wanted to make a nice 3 course dinner, this pea soup was the starter that I decided to do. I have done a few soups in the past so thought a nice soup would […]
Chicken Gyros Recipe

Both Rach and I have been to the Greek islands a couple of times, it was in Kos that I proposed. The greek people have always been so friendly and welcoming. I was looking through holiday pics and it reminded me of going to Greece so got me wanting to make something that was Greek. […]
Broccoli and Stilton Soup

Broccoli and Stilton soup is perfect for those cold days and I find it perfect for a dinner party. The nice thing about this soup is that it doesn’t take very long at all to make and contains a good amount of vegetables. I didn’t always like stilton, in fact when I first tried it […]