Creamy Chicken and Herb Rice

Chocolate And Marshmallow Cookies

salmon fish cake recipe

Salmon fish cakes are really versatile. They make a nice lunch with a bit of salad but can also be enjoyed as a main dinner with vegetables, roast potatoes or even chips. They do take a little preparation but are very easy to make and taste incredible. I decided to make this Salmon Fish […]
Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe

After being away for several weeks, I was keen to get back into the kitchen. Its surprising how much I missed being behind the cooker!! To really give myself a nice cooking session I decided to cook a nice 3 course dinner. The evenings have started getting a little colder, I therefore thought a nice […]
Raspberry Coconut Slice Recipe

I gave this coconut slice recipe a go as I was in the mood to make more snack type of foods. I love the taste of coconut and found some desiccated coconut in my cupboard. The recipe for these coconut slices requires jam. It is up to you which flavoured jam you use. I decided to […]
Pomegranate Couscous and Moroccan Pork

For my birthday I was given a nice Persian cookbook along with pomegranate molasses and harissa spice. It was the pomegranate molasses and the spice mix that have me the inspiration for this couscous recipe. I love pomegranates, they are like little bursts of flavour when you bite into them. I don’t have couscous […]
Strawberry And Apple Oat Bar Recipe

A few weeks ago I made a apple and rhubarb crumble. I had half a bag of rolled oats so wanted to make something with them. I therefore decided to make some form of oat bars. They taste great and make a perfect snack or even a quick dessert. When deciding on flavours I wanted […]
Paprika Parsnip Soup

A friend of ours gave us some home grown parsnips. I wanted to make something nice with them and not just a roasted side dish. As the nights are getting colder, I thought a nice Parsnip Soup would be perfect. To give it that little extra taste I was going to use a little curry […]
Easy Jam Tarts With Basil Pastry

If you are looking for a Easy Jam Tarts recipe then this is perfect, it takes very little time to make but taste incredible. With the strawberry jam I have added basil to the pastry for a subtle flavour but this is completely optional. I wanted to make some easy jam tarts one evening in […]
Balsamic Pork Loin Steaks

Quick and Easy Balsamic Pork Loin Steaks I love a good pork dinner and one evening I made pork but wanted to give it a little extra taste, so decided to marinate it for 30 minutes. I love the taste of balsamic and combining this with a bit of lime and chilli flakes, it really […]